Everything You Need to Know About Wireless Dog Electric Fences

How many times has your dog tried to escape the yard and you found him roaming around the neighbourhood? Dogs are highly curious creatures by nature. Their adventurous spirit makes them do silly things that may look innocent but often can put them in danger. As many dog owners do, they usually put physical fences around their yards so they can prevent this from happening. 

But what do you do when there is no option to install a physical fence? Luckily, there are invisible fences that can provide the same protection, without visible barriers. If this sounds like you, you can find wireless pet fences according to your dog’s size and buy yourself a peace of mind. But first and most importantly, you should learn how these devices work, so you can set realistic expectations. 

What is a Wireless Dog Electric Fence? 

PetSafe Stay + Play Standard Wireless Containment Fence
source: au.petsafe.net

A wireless dog fence works similarly to a physical fence – they confine your dog and keep it within the designated area, without the visible barriers of the traditional fences.  

They consist of a central transmitter device which is placed in a fixed position and a receiver collar that the dog is supposed to wear. When the dog approaches the edge of the invisible boundary, the collar then emits a warning tone or vibration meant to give your pet a cue that at this point it should stop. If despite the warning vibration, your dog continues to move forward, then a mild static correction is administered through the collar to discourage them from crossing the barrier.     

These fences are otherwise known as wireless electric dog fences and are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience for use in places where a physical barrier is not possible to install. This is one of the major reasons why many dog parents decide to buy wireless pet fences for their beloved canines.  

Why Should I Confine My Dog With Invisible Electric Fence? 

It may sound like a cruel thing to do to your dog because an electric fence automatically reminds us of a traditional electric fence designed to conduct an electric shock to whoever touches it. However, this is an entirely different mechanism that is designed to provide only a mild correction to the dog without causing pain. 

The biggest reason why you should confine your canine with a wireless dog fence is if the community regulations where you live or reside, do not allow the installation of physical fences. As such, wireless fences are the best alternative you can do for the safety of your pet.  

Another case scenario where you can use them is when the shape and size of your yard make it difficult to find a traditional fence. A dog wireless fence can easily be adjusted on various terrains so it can fit the shape and size of your property. By doing so, you’re reducing the risk of potential escapes of your dog and encountering dangerous situations like traffic. 

Plus, invisible fences are very easy to transport if you move to a new home and reinstall them again.

Another benefit of using wireless fences is to teach your dog to respect boundaries and develop better behaviour patterns. This reduces the instances of running away or trespassing into restricted areas. However, you should be aware that there is a potential risk of overcorrecting the dog’s behaviour which in turn can cause distress in the canine. 

Do Wireless Dog Fences Really Work?

PetSafe Stay + Play Stubborn Dog Wireless Containment Fence
source: au.petsafe.net

Most of the time, yes. However, their success largely depends on several factors such as proper installation, dog training, the specific environment and the dog’s temper. To ensure that the wireless fence really works, it’s crucial to train your dog properly. 

Start by gradually familiarising your dog with the warning signals of the fence and the consequences of crossing the boundary. Do not overdo it at the beginning. Do it little by little, gradually increasing the time of exposure to the warning signals of the fence.  

What else can influence the fence’s effectiveness is the temperament of your furry friend. Most dogs respond well to electric wireless fences, but if the dog is highly stubborn or extremely anxious, the fence alone might not be the most effective solution. In this case, you need to consider additional training methods or some other containment solutions if your dog simply does not respond to the fence or you notice it becomes severely distressed. 

Can Dogs Run Past an Invisible Fence?

It is possible that your dog passes the invisible fence. This can be due to different factors. For instance, very stubborn dogs or those with strong and determined temperaments may push through the correction if they are highly motivated by some outside stimuli. It can also happen if there are physical obstructions in your yard that might interfere with the signal of the transmitter. 

Also, if the terrain is very uneven, there can be gaps in the boundary coverage so your dog may use these loopholes to escape. 

Are Invisible Electric Fences Safe for Dogs? 

dog wireless fence
source: radiofence.ie

Generally yes. The key word here is to use them responsibly. Always use a gradual introduction. Use positive reinforcement every time your dog stops at the first warning signal. Monitor your dog’s behaviour and how well it responds to the fence. However, you should be aware that sometimes electric wireless fences do not stop predators from entering the designated area. This is particularly important if you live in a rural environment or foresty area where the chances of encountering a wild animal are likely high. In these kinds of situations, your dog is at higher risk of being attacked by a wild animal.  

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