Essential Dog Supplies to Welcome Your New Puppy in Your House

Dogs have been around for thousands of years. They’re our loving friends and faithful companions. They give us so much unconditional love and attention. One way we can pay them back is to provide them with a comfortable and fulfilled life while they’re with us. So, if you’re thinking about bringing a puppy to your house, there are some things you should buy first. These essentials will keep the pup entertained, comfortable, clean and well-behaved. They can be your best training tools and make the house a dog’s safe place.

Fun Dog Toys

dog toys

Toys are a must for every dog’s well-being and healthy development. They’re not just for fun and games but also for developing skills and learning. They’ll help the dog when it’s feeling nervous and are a great way to cure boredom. Plus, certain toys will prevent the dog from developing problematic behaviours.

These toys should be fun, safe and durable. Finding the right ones might be a challenge but this mostly depends on the dog’s size, personal preference and activity level. There’s a huge variety of puppy dog toys you can choose from. Big, small, squeaky, hard, flavoured, textured, made of different materials, the choices are endless.

The first thing you should do is make sure the toy is safe. Oftentimes, the most dangerous toys are the ones dogs find most attractive. Make sure you dog-proof your home and remove rubber bands, loose ribbons, strings and other items that the dog can swallow. Get the toy that’s the appropriate size for your pup. Don’t buy toys that can be torn into smaller pieces because they can be a choking hazard.

If you want to buy soft toys, make sure they’re made of extremely durable materials because they’re not indestructible. Go for active toys such as balls or thick ropes. They can serve as a great bonding tool for both of you. Distraction toys can also help. They’ll help the dog stay busy while you do chores around the house. Some pups prefer comfort toys they can carry around. They act as a smaller companion and the dog feels safe with them.

If you’re getting a small puppy, get some teething toys. As the dog’s teeth fall and new ones grow, the pup will chew on anything, your hands, furniture, shoes, socks. Having these teething toys will save you from all the trouble. There are even toys that activate the other senses such as taste, smell or hearing. These are great for blind puppies or older dogs. Whatever toy you choose, make sure it’s appropriate in size and material.

Stock Up on Bath Supplies

dog having bath

Giving your dog regular baths is a must. This way you remove any dirt and debris that’s accumulated during your walks in the park or to the local store. Baths not only keep the fur clean, but they also keep your dog healthier and free of parasites. But not every dog needs to have a bath every week. Bath time depends on the dog’s breed, its fur and the environment.

If you can’t take your pup to the groomer’s every time, you should stock up on bath supplies. Remember, never use human shampoo on your dog. It contains chemicals that can cause rashes and irritations. Ask your vet for advice and get a shampoo according to their breed and fur type. Remember that pups have more sensitive skin and require a gentler shampoo.

The climate is also a factor to consider. If you live in a hot climate, get a cooling and mild shampoo. If you live in a cold climate, get a shampoo that won’t dry out the dog’s fur. Avoid products with strong smells, dogs don’t like them. Get a shampoo whose bottle is easy to use. Many dog owners find the pumps very practical.

Don’t buy shampoos with fragrances or dyes in them. Always look for natural, fresh ingredients such as chamomile, citrus, aloe vera, lavender etc. It may take some time to train your puppy to stay still during the bath, but you can always use puppy dog toys to keep them busy while you do your job.

Get a good bath brush that is suitable for the dog’s fur. It should be made of rubberised plastic and have gentle spikes. Grooming gloves are also an option and can help you with lathering. Your dog needs a conditioner as well. Again, not every conditioner works for every dog. It depends on their fur. And last but not least, get the pup a nice high-absorbent towel. Go with fuzzy, velvety and textured materials. They dry out quickly and will keep the pup warm.

Get a Comfortable Bed

dog bed

Just like humans, dogs also need high-quality sleep to function properly during the day and maintain a healthy and happy life. To do tins, the pup should have a comfortable bed to sleep on. One of the best options is memory foam beds. They’re extremely comfortable because they shape around the dog’s body and give it proper support.

They’re great for newborns because they keep the spine properly aligned and support every joint and muscle. The memory foam also improves circulation and controls the body temperature. A vet bed is also a great option. They’re very comfortable and you can use them anywhere your pup goes, at home, at the park, in the car etc.

They’re made of toxin-free materials and prevent fungi and bacteria from developing. The elevated design keeps the pet cool and regulates the body temperature. Plus, it’s machine washable which is very convenient because dog beds get dirty a lot. A cave bed is a good option for puppies that have just been separated from their mother. This shape provides comfort and warmth and mimics the closeness of the mother.

If the dog is anxious or scared, it can grab its dog toy and use the bed to hide and stay calm. It can be its safe spot when the house is crowded with people or when there’s a thunderstorm outside. You can never go wrong with an orthopaedic bed. It works for any dog size and breed. It’s perfect for energetic pups, injured dogs, and dogs with muscle or bone pain.

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