Office Ergonomics: How to Create the Ultimate Work Environment

The need for a comfortable working environment is always a priority. If you’re an office worker or work from home on your laptop or computer, you know how important it is to feel comfortable while doing so. Having an ergonomic setting around you will make you happier, more productive and more effective. There are a few changes you can make to get the optimal working environment.



An ergonomic office is a must if you have a full-time job that includes sitting in front of the computer for 8 or more hours. Using a high-quality, ergonomic keypad can improve your working experience. Its main goal is to improve your posture and relieve muscle and joint strain, making you more comfortable and more efficient.

There are 3 types of ergo keyboards. The first one is a split keyboard. It’s intended to keep your wrists and arms in a straight position. Your elbows will be closer to your body in a more neutral stance. Being like this, you won’t have to use a lot of force to press the keys. The two parts are separate so you can adjust them to your shoulders’ width.

It has all the keys and the numeral pad. The pad, depending on the manufacturer, can be positioned differently. Sometimes it’s at the top row and sometimes it overlaps with the letters. In this case, you activate the numbers with a press of a button. Take note of the tension you feel in the forearms, shoulders and wrists and adjust the keypad in the most comfortable, strain-free position.

The second type is the arc keyboard. This one decreases the unnatural position of the wrists, it’s wireless and very compact and you can take it anywhere with you. You can even use it with a laptop to avoid the tiny laptop keyboard. Last but not least is the contoured keyboard. It has a padded wrist rest and it’s raised in the middle to give you a neutral position for your wrists.

When looking to buy this type of keyboard, always go for the option with the best adjustability. A model that will help you reach the perfect working position. If you can, test it at the store. Make sure it suits you and doesn’t hurt your wrists or shoulders. It’s no surprise that ergo keyboards are pricier than the regular ones, but it’s an investment worth making.


Working on your computer requires you to use your mouse a lot. The regular ones we have at home aren’t quite ergonomic. There are ergonomic mice that will completely change your posture for the better. They’ll save you from wrist discomfort and pain. If you can, buy the wireless one so you can take it with you anywhere.

The ergonomic mouse is also called a vertical mouse because of its design. It keeps your hand in a natural, vertical position. Something similar to a handshape position. There’s no twisting at the wrist. You might need some time to get used to this, but it’s worth it. You can also find an adjustable mouse that allows you to tilt it until you get the perfect angle. Combined with an ergonomic keypad, you get the perfect working position.

Monitor Arm

Another way you can improve the office ergonomics is by using a monitor arm. Its main purpose is to improve your posture and relieve pain. It gives you extra free space on the desk and clears the clutter. Make sure the arm is strong enough to hold your monitor’s weight. If you need to hold 2 monitors, buy a stronger arm.

The mounting system is also important. The majority of them are clamp mounts, but there are also grommet ones. The clamp one grasps on the desk and it’s C-shaped. The grommet one needs a hole in the desk for stability.

If your desk has ledges or some decorative pieces, you should get the clamp arm. The monitor arm should be made of sturdy, durable materials that will last for a long time. Also, make sure there’s enough room behind the desk for you to install the monitor arm.



Many consider that an ergonomic chair is the staple of an ergonomic office. It’s the first thing you should buy when making this setup. Nowadays, you have hundreds of choices on the market. It’s not a one-size-fits-all situation, you should always test it before buying it. The adjustability should be your main concern.

When measuring from the floor, the chair’s height should vary between 40-55cm. If you’re not over 190cm tall, this should be a good option. If you’re taller, look for something that gives you more height. You’ll know that the height is right if your feet lay flat on the ground and your knees are at a 90-degree angle.

The width of the sitting area should vary between 45-50cm. In an ideal setting, there should be 2.5cm of free space on each side of your hip. Lumbar support is key. It affects your knees, back, neck and spine. If it has the right curvature, you’ll get the perfect support and the right angle so you can work perfectly on your ergonomic keyboard.

Adjustable Desk

Sitting for 8+ hours in front of the computer isn’t healthy at all. You need some sort of activity during your working hours. Luckily, people solved this problem with an adjustable ergonomic table. They’re one of the most popular items in the ergonomic community and people love them because of their many benefits.

They’ll improve your mental and physical health, reduce back pain, increase energy levels, stop weight gain and heart disease, and even regulate your blood sugar levels. It’s recommended that you should switch between a sitting and standing position every 30-45 minutes. The adjustable desk lets you do this. It may take some time until you get used to it, but be patient, it’ll be worth it.


A combination of an adjustable desk and a footrest is a great way to improve your posture and get the body in a comfortable, ergonomic position. A simple footrest will help your back, neck, legs and shoulders get into the ideal position and leave no room for pain and strain. Your muscles will relax, and you’ll get more blood flow and less numbness.

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