The What’s and How’s of Puppy Playpens

Sure, you can definitely keep purchasing larger dog crates as your puppy grows. However, with a puppy playpen, you have the option to expand their enclosure by adding more panels. This feature is especially beneficial for bigger dog breeds that require more space in a short period of time!

Did you just get a new puppy and want to give it a safe place where it can nap, play, and even get potty training? Look no further than a puppy pen. These are specially designed to keep your little doggo safe and to give you a little freedom to do your things without having to constantly observe the animal. If you have a garden or travel often, choose a portable puppy playpen. Here’s what you need to know.

What’s a Puppy Playpen?

puppy playpen

A puppy playpen is a secure and enclosed area with high sides that provides lots of space for your puppy to move around, sleep, and eat. It’s similar to a crate but offers more room and is similar to a portable fence for your furry friend. The playpen ensures your puppy’s safety by keeping it away from potential hazards in your home and preventing them from damaging your furniture, carpets, and other items. It’s essential to puppy-proof your home for a smooth and peaceful start to your life with your new companion.

Outdoor Playpens

outside play pen

Outdoor puppy pens are a practical help for people with wide, unfenced gardens. If you want to take your pup outdoors with you, an outdoor playpen is a great choice. These pens allow your puppy to enjoy the outdoors while staying close to you. Be sure that your puppy has access to shade when using an outdoor puppy pen. Even in cooler climates, the sun’s rays can cause excessive heat, and puppies can’t regulate their body temperature through sweating like humans can.

In addition to providing a comfortable space for your puppy, an outdoor puppy pen also offers a safe environment, shielding them from potentially harmful plants in your garden and preventing any unwanted digging.

While crate training is highly recommended, a portable puppy playpen can be a beneficial alternative when you need to leave your puppy for extended periods. Within the playpen, you can include your puppy’s crate, food and water, toys, and even a designated toilet area. This setup allows them to adapt better to longer periods of separation compared to the confined space of a crate.

Why Do You Need One?

Keep Your Pup Out of Trouble


Similar to a crate, it provides a secure space for your furry little friend and gives you peace of mind. With a playpen, you can rest assured that your puppy is safe and free from harm. It also allows you to leave your puppy in a designated area while you do other tasks around the house. This helps your puppy adjust to your comings and goings and teaches them to be more independent.

Safe Place

As long as the playpen is cozy for your furry friend and within your closeness, you won’t have to monitor your pet all the time. It’ll serve as an ideal play area during the day and a peaceful sleeping spot for the dog during the night.

No Digging Zone

no digging zone for dogs with playpens

This is more important for outdoor playpens. If your little pup is prone to digging in your planters and nibbling on your plants, you can get them an outdoor playpen and give them their own little piece of your garden. It provides a safe and contained space for your furry friend to play while you enjoy your garden without any worries. If your puppy is a digger, you might want to consider creating a digging pit for them. This way, they can satisfy their natural urge to dig in a designated area, saving your garden from destruction. It’s a win-win situation for both you and your adorable pup.

Useful When Travelling

If you’re staying in a new place or visiting someone’s house, having a puppy playpen ensures that you won’t have to stress about your friend’s rugs getting dirty or paying big hotel cleaning fees. Moreover, a doggy playpen for your puppy ensures a consistent and trustworthy environment. You’ll see that your pup will love it once it gets used to it, as these animals love their routine. So, the new place where you’re travelling won’t feel stressful for the animal.

Protect Your Floors

protect your floors by playpens

Puppy playpens often include a waterproof liner (or you can purchase one separately) to ensure that any accidents, like spilled water bowls or lack of potty training, won’t damage your floors. This way, you can keep your floors protected and worry-free.

Use a Doggy Potty Training in a Playpen

To avoid your puppy toileting in their crate, it’s best to provide a designated toilet area within the playpen. This area should be separate from where they sleep, allowing the dog to use the toilet even when you’re not around. You have the option of using a pee pad holder or a fake grass toilet, as both options are effective.

Better Than a Crate

VEBO Portable Plastic Puppy Play Pen (75cm tall)

This goes for puppies, as the limited space in a crate can be a challenge for certain pups. Therefore, while you’re in the process of showing your puppy that crates are actually enjoyable, using a puppy playpen can be a simpler method to keep them calm and secure.

Increase the Space as the Pup Grows

You can definitely purchase larger dog crates as your puppy grows. However, with a puppy playpen, you have the option to expand their enclosure by adding more panels. This feature is especially useful for bigger dog breeds that require more space in a short period of time!

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