Spiked vs. Spikeless Cricket Shoes: What’s the Difference?

If you’re new to cricket, you probably aren’t aware of the fact that there are two different types of shoes from which you can choose. Generally speaking, you can choose from spike and spikeless/gripper types of shoes. As the name implies, the spike models have spikes while the others don’t however, this is not their main difference.

What Are Spike Shoes?

source: facebook.com/whacksports/

The shoes are worn by players who play cricket outside on a real and natural cricket ground and they have spikes on them. When looked closely, you can see that the spikes are equally spread across the sole and this is paramount for the player to obtain maximum stability. The spike cricket shoes offer stability for sure, but they can also provide you with more secure grips on grass, and greasy and damp surfaces. These shoes also have an increased height at the ankle part to prevent injuries when playing on the field. These shoes are recommended to be worn by bowlers and fielders. The job of bowlers is a bit more difficult since they should run quickly, but should also break at the exact crease when turning. Spiked shoes are the perfect option for them because they have a greater hold on the ground than grippers.

Types of Spikes

Even though they are mainly made from metal, the truth is that the spikes on these shoes can be made from different materials because different playing grounds call for the use of different spikes. So, aside from metal, you can also choose from spike cricket shoes with plastic spikes. While the metal ones are described as pointy and can pierce the shoes of another player, the plastic ones are a bit gentler without compromising longevity and durability.

Depending on your needs, you can either choose from cricket shoes with removable or non-removable spikes. While shoes without spikes in cricket are acceptable, still this isn’t acceptable for any position. Removing the spikes when playing on fields with hard surfaces is only acceptable if they have enough grip to grip the ground.

Even though fielders can wear both grippers and spiked shoes, somehow players prefer the spiked models.  

What Are Spikeless Shoes?

The spikeless types of shoes for cricket are better known as grippers and they obviously don’t contain any spikes on them. But even without a spike, this doesn’t mean that they are like any other type of shoes. No, these shoes still need to meet all the needed requirements for cricket shoes in order to be used. They can only be used on hard surfaces but only if they have enough gripper spikes to grip the ground. Unfortunately, these shoes aren’t appropriate to be worn when playing on different grounds like concrete and different varieties of turf.

How to Choose the Right Model?

source: facebook.com/whacksports/

Size Above All

Regardless of the type of shoes you plan to choose, choosing the right size should be one of the first things to consider. They should fit comfortably, otherwise, you risk dealing with excessive discomfort.

Comfort and Fit

The size certainly is closely related to how comfortable you’ll feel when wearing the shoes, however, shoes with poor cushioning and padding, especially on the heel and ankle can also contribute to feeling uncomfortable. In such situations, the appearance of blisters, won’t be excluded, so to avoid this make be sure to choose shoes with enough cushioning and padding. The best you can do is to try them and see whether they provide a snug fit without being too loose or too tight.

The Playing Surface Matters

As you may already know by now, the type of surface is one of the main factors in choosing a certain type of shoe. However, if you’re planning to play on different surfaces, you always have the freedom to invest in one pair from each, so you can be ready to play all the time. By owning one pair from each, you can even switch playing positions as you get better.

Choose Breathability over Everything

Given the fact that cricket is a pretty demanding sport, your feet can get easily sweaty during intense games. To avoid the growth of bacteria and odour, you should invest in shoes made from breathable materials like mesh and synthetic uppers. This will allow proper ventilation and air flow which will keep your feet dry and cool all the time. Aside from bacteria growth, this will also prevent the appearance of fungal infections which can be quite annoying and unsightly.

Read and Compare

When in the search for the right type and model of cricket shoes, make sure to do thorough research. You should go over many models, compare and pick the ones that will suit your needs, preferences and cricket playing position. The chosen model should provide you with the optimum level of performance, so make sure not to settle for anything less just because they have been a much more affordable option or with a prettier design. 

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